Doc Blog

The ‘New Year, New You’ trope is gold plated nonsense! Here’s exactly how to keep your weight loss New Year’s resolution in 2019

The ‘New Year, New You’ trope is gold plated nonsense! Here’s exactly how to keep your weight loss New Year’s resolution in 2019

If one of your New Year's resolution is to go on a ‘diet’, read this first! The pursuit of fad weight loss diets most frequently leads to weight-cycling. Our Doctors believe that the journey to greater health (and not just being lighter but, healthier) should add meaning, joy, and fulfilment to our lives. With that in mind, here are some of the Doc’s body-accepting, joy-encouraging, diet-shunning things to consider this New Year for 2019.

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Abby Coleman's, HIT105FM, weight loss transformation

Abby Coleman's, HIT105FM, weight loss transformation

Hit105FM’s Abby Coleman, morning radio host took the plunge and lost 4kgs but more importantly, dropped her body fat by over 5%, maintained her muscle and went from 26 to 19 years in her biological age with the Doc's weight loss meals designed for fat loss and metabolic health. Rather than tape measures and ordinary scales, our doctors use a patient’s individual biometrics and body composition results using the latest advanced bio-electrical impedance analysis which provides the highest level of clinical accuracy to calorie and portion control our weight loss meals to them. With Abby's basal metabolic rate (BMR) at 1438 calories...

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How Whey Protein Can Support Your Weight Loss Goals

How Whey Protein Can Support Your Weight Loss Goals

We already know just how important protein is in our diets, and for our bodies. However, protein can work to effectively encourage significant weight loss and aid to keep those hunger cravings at bay. With so many options on the market, the Doc is focusing on just how whey protein can support your weight loss goals. What is Whey? Whey protein is a milk protein that is a by-product of the cheese making process; whereby left-over liquid is processed to form the whey protein powder we know and love. It is considered a convenient alternative (or addition) to a balanced diet...

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Strength-Training: It’s What You Need to Lose Fat!

Strength-Training: It’s What You Need to Lose Fat!

When you think about the best type of workouts for weight loss, your mind might not immediately jump to strength training, but it should. While it’s definitely true that cardio workouts get your heart working harder and as a result, help your body burn calories, strength training is what’s really going to give your weight loss goals that extra boost. Strength training helps build lean muscle The experts say that aerobic exercise is effective at losing weight but not the best at burning fat and increasing lean muscle mass. So, when you’re losing weight strictly through cardio, it’s likely that...

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