If you have noticed yourself indulging in your partners unhealthy behaviours (an extra serving of dessert, or skipping the gym for a longer sleep in); you’ll be pleased to hear that their positive habits can rub off on you just as easily! Yes, working-out-with-your-partner-can-improve-your-health! That’s right, the universal gym junkie motto “those who train together, stay together” is not that far off. So, whether you are looking to lose weight, improve-your-health habits, or get rid of that post Valentine’s Day treat bloat; recruit your partner to come along for the journey!
Success In Numbers
Single? Don’t fret! Your workout pal doesn’t have to be your partner – just someone you like, and who you don’t want to disappoint! If you make a commitment to meet with someone for a morning jog or meal-prep session you will be more likely to follow through! While couples, friends and even teams of people who work together to change their unhealthy habits are often more successful in their efforts than their solo counterparts. Studies out of the University College of London have found that those who change together have been associated with even better outcomes than those who have a partner with an already healthy lifestyle.
Why Is This?
Exercise partners provide a powerful combination of support, accountability, and motivation, as well as a healthy dose of competition.
Support from others is an incredibly important part of the weight loss journey (and one The Doc works hard to give).
“The Doc really understood how I’d find it so hard to lose weight previously – he just got me. His knowledge of weight loss and what stages I was up to was exceptional.” – Kelly, Brisbane.
Having your partner not only encourage you, but support and understand you; provides an amazing opportunity for success. Having better health as a mutual goal can also motivate you to banish tempting treats from the house, while decisions about what foods to buy and prepare, and where to dine out become easier!
Workout partners can also make exercise more fun, ensure you carve out time in your day for yourself AND help you push through any periods of plateau or lack of motivation.
Push Your Limits
Known as the Kohler effect, training with a partner has been found to boost productivity. When the performance of a group is reliant on the performance of the weakest person; for example, two people going on a run together, the weaker person tends to push themselves to work harder so as not to reduce overall performance.
Guaranteed Quality Time
We know that it’s easy for life to get in the way; particularly where careers and kids are involved. It can be hard to carve out alone time for yourself let alone you and your partner. If you’re already making time in your day for working out, why not do it together? Working out, grocery shopping, and meal-prepping together also serves as quality couple bonding time!
Keep It Accountable
It has been shown that people who are held accountable for their workout routines are more likely to be successful. Who better to hold you accountable than the person who knows you best? When you only answer for yourself it can become very easy to talk yourself out of a healthy lifestyle. I’ll workout later turns into I’ll workout tomorrow, one piece of chocolate for dessert turns into four. Sound familiar?
Health Benefits
It goes without saying that participating in a regular fitness routine increases the likelihood you’ll experience a number of resulting improvements in your mental and physical health. Improved cognitive ability, lowered blood pressure and risk of heart disease, a stronger immune system, and of course, improved weight management are all part of the better health deal.
It’s not very often you’ll start a new exercise regime and not at least try to improve your eating habits, but we know this can be the hardest piece of the puzzle to achieve. That is why our Docs serve up power packed, nutritionally complete meals for all diet and lifestyle choices including dairy-free, gluten-free, vegans, and vegetarian options. As well as family dinners so you can easily improve your entire family’s health. Book in with one of our Docs and start next Tuesday.
The Doctor’s Kitchen and our doctors service all Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, and Toowoomba areas.
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