- Almost 2 in 3 Australian adults (63%) are overweight or obese, Australian Institute of Health
- Many of us overeat or have an unbalanced diet, says Dr Phillip Wuth, Australian Doctor and Founder of The Doctor's Kitchen Australia
- The average portion-size has grown over the years which is contributing to the creeping weight gain.
- Portion control is an important factor in your journey to maintaining a healthy weight by avoiding overeating.
In a bid to tackle growing portion sizes that is adding to the creeping weight gain and putting so many Australians at risk of type 2 diabetes, the Doc unveils ways to eat less and still feel full.
Portion Distortion
Australians struggle with their weight and don’t know what they can do about it. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Australian adults were overweight or obese. Excess weight, especially obesity, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some musculoskeletal conditions.
We are often told that they are sipping diet drinks and opting for low-fat options for their meals.
But, when we get to the bottom of why they are overweight, a lot of it has to do with portion sizes. From super-sized drinks and snacks to huge takeaways, the portions of food we eat at home and when we’re out have grown in recent years. We are eating far more than what we’ve ever done without even realising it.
It is all these extra calories consumed in larger portions and increasing snacks throughout the day which, day after day, contribute to the creeping weight gain that is putting so many Australians at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Eat slowly
All too often, people are eating on the go, gulping down breakfast in a bid to get to work sooner or quickly scarfing down lunch at their desk. And, while they may feel as though they are increasing productivity, the kilos on the scale may be doing the same.
Eating slowly can decrease calorie intake because it takes time for food to travel from your gut to your small intestine, where receptors tell the brain, ‘I’m full.’ It may help to increase feelings of satiety before an excessive amount of food is ingested. Savouring every mouthful will help with your weight loss!
Portion your food
Research is clear that portion sizes can influence how much we eat, with larger portions encouraging us to eat more; instead of stopping when we feel full, most of us are inclined to finish what’s in front of us, no matter how large it is.
Studies show people also don’t compensate for a huge lunch with a light evening meal as a way of managing their overall intake.
Ready meals like the Doctor’s calorie and portion controlled meals are a good way to help people lose weight gradually, plus learn first-hand about portion control for long-term weight management. The 5 day Doctor’s approved weight loss meal plans are based on meeting the recommendations outlined in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.
Shrink your plate
Studies have shown that people who use smaller plates are less likely to overeat compared to people who use the larger counterpart. We tend to underestimate portion-size when served on a bigger plate.
The Doc recommends using medium-sized dessert plates for everyday meals and save your big dinner plates for special occasions. If you're plating up the food on your own crockery to visualise your portions this will help you replicate it next time yourself.
Load up on leafy vegetables
When it comes to vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables, the health benefits are so high, and the calories so low, so you can throw all caution to the wind and eat more for less.
Vegetables, of all sorts, are a great source of fibre, which will help keep you feeling full for longer, and they are packed with health-giving nutrients.
Recent studies that compared people eating two servings of fruit and veg a day, those eating five portions had a 13 per cent lower risk of death from all causes, including a 12 per cent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), a 10 per cent lower risk of death from cancer, and a 35 per cent lower risk of death from respiratory disease.
Most people don’t come close to the recommended five-a-day in Australia. The latest health survey information from AHS shows that in 2018, only 7.5% per cent of adults said they were eating five portions daily.
The average was 2.7 portions. And even those figures are optimistic, since people tend to overestimate their consumption of healthy foods and underestimate the portion sizes of the food they know is unhealthy. By increasing your vegetable intake, your waistline — and your health — will be grateful to you!
Take these Doc tips as inspiration to help you reach your weight loss goals and maintain your health.
If you need help with portion sizes, let your Doctor know at your next consultation or book in with one of our prescribing Doctors that can personalise your meal sizes and portions to help you transform your weight and health. The Doctor's approved ready made portion and calorie controlled meals are delivered across Australia to your door to give you the tools to better understand portion sizes.