Preventative medicine has become increasingly popular for individuals who want to take a proactive approach to their health and stay ahead of the medical curve. Medically designed for success, Our Doctors exclusive program utilises your individual biometrics to calorie and portion-control your meals. Our Doctors will help you drop body fat and visceral fat, and maintain your muscle for long-term metabolic health! They’ll give you the tools you need to transform poor habits and make longer lasting lifestyle changes.

If you only have a small amount of weight to lose, struggling with your weight, or have a lifestyle-based condition (diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, obesity, fatty liver, high blood pressure or cholesterol) our Doctors have the tools to help transform and improve your lifestyle.

Available In
Gluten Free – Dairy Free – Vegan – Pescatarian – Vegetarian – Mediterranean


Step 1: Book a consultation

Everyone’s metabolic rate (the number of calories your body burns when at rest per day) and overall health is different, which is why our Doctors will consult with you first to calculate, based on your body composition and individual biometrics, your recommended daily calorie intake to lose weight or reach your health goals.

Your personalised health assessment that includes a detailed body composition report, will guide the Doctor in creating a personalised weight loss meal plan for you.

Step 2: Order your meals

After your consult, you will have exclusive access to start ordering your medical weight loss meals for the week - just $10 each. Based on what your Doctor prescribes, you will receive a combination of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

From the very first week you can begin to live, eat and experience appropriate portion-controlled and nutritionally-complete food on a daily basis.

Step 3: Results and Fortnightly check-in

Research shows that regular follow up is one of the most important factors to your success in losing weight and keeping it off. That's why we recommend fortnightly follow ups, in person, with your Doctor.

You will get a detailed report on the changes to your body's composition - aiming for a reduction on body and visceral fat, improvement in metabolic rate and increase in muscle mass!

Doc Tip: Couple this with a resistance training plan from an exercise physiologist or personal trainer to help accelerate results.

Step 1: Book a consultation

Everyone’s metabolic rate (the number of calories your body burns when at rest per day) and overall health is different, which is why our Doctors will consult with you first to calculate, based on your body composition and individual biometrics, your recommended daily calorie intake to lose weight or reach your health goals.

Your personalised health assessment that includes a detailed body composition report, will guide the Doctor in creating a personalised weight loss meal plan for you.

Step 2: Order your meals

After your consult, you will have exclusive access to start ordering your medical weight loss meals for the week - just $10 each. Based on what your Doctor prescribes, you will receive a combination of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

From the very first week you can begin to live, eat and experience appropriate portion-controlled and nutritionally-complete food on a daily basis.

Step 3: Results and Fortnightly check-in

Research shows that regular follow up is one of the most important factors to your success in losing weight and keeping it off. That's why we recommend fortnightly follow ups, in person, with your Doctor.

You will get a detailed report on the changes to your body's composition - aiming for a reduction on body and visceral fat, improvement in metabolic rate and increase in muscle mass!

Doc Tip: Couple this with a resistance training plan from an exercise physiologist or personal trainer to help accelerate results.


Our Doctors recommend a daily calorie intake personalised to your body composition, ensuring your health goals are reached.
The number of calories you should be eating to lose weight isn’t based on a standard chart - it’s based on your individual biometrics. Our Doctors use the latest advanced bio-impedance body analysis technology alongside the highest level of clinical accuracy to successfully help achieve your health goals.

Our Doctors recommend a daily calorie intake personalised to your body composition, ensuring your health goals are reached.

Our Doctors have the unique ability to measure and monitor fat loss vs overall weight loss.
Measuring overall weight loss alone has limitations as losing weight can mean losing fat mass, muscle mass or both. Our Doctors measure and monitor your body fat loss and visceral fat loss vs overall weight loss, which allows our Doctors to tailor your plan to help maintain muscle mass, whilst losing fat mass.
Our Doctors have the unique ability to measure and monitor fat loss vs overall weight loss.
Our Doctors accommodate many food intolerances.
Our doctors are able to provide completely gluten free, dairy free, vegan, pescatarian, vegetarian, and Mediterranean meals tailored to suit your dietary needs.
Our Doctors accommodate many food intolerances.
Our Doctors will give you the tools you need to transform your habits, and make longer lasting lifestyle changes.
The Doc's weight loss meals are intended to be used as a short-term tool with professional guidance of the Doctor so you start to live, eat and experience portion controlled and nutritionally complete food everyday. From the very first week you will put into practice what you have been experiencing on the 2 days without the meals to drive healthier eating patterns to help keep the weight off once you've reached your goal and also to help prevent weight cycling.
Doc Tip: On the 2 days off our Doctors recommend that you use a calorie tracker to help ensure you don't go over the calorie intake per day that has been recommended to you (e.g. myfitnesspal).
Our Doctors will give you the tools you need to transform your habits, and make longer lasting lifestyle changes.


How many meals will I receive?

You will receive meals for 5 days out of 7 to help you achieve your health and weight goals.

Can I swap out the meals?

As your meals are personalised to meet certain calorie requirements based on your Doctor's consultation, it is not possible to swap out meals from the set menus online as this will alter the calorie count.

Is this a long-term solution?

Doing it on your own for at least 2 days a week will help make your changes permanent and has significantly contributed to the success for our patients losing the fat and keeping it off long term. This approach has assisted in driving healthier patterns of eating to help you be the healthier version of yourself!

What is the cost of a Doctor?

Many of our prescribing Doctors bulk bill. Please enquire with the relevant Doctor/medical centre as to the fees for the initial consult, you may be eligible for a medicare rebate.

Can I order your meals without seeing a doctor?

Yes! Check out The Doc's Approved Clean Eating Meals for a range of delicious, healthy and well portioned meals you can order without seeing a doctor.



Before 4 Weeks: 90.3kg

After 4 Weeks: 87.4kg

As a busy mum of three young kids, Bianca's goal at the beginning of her journey was to be able to fit into a size 12 blaring red jumpsuit that she had purchased for her friend's wedding.

"I thought it would maybe take about 8 weeks to do this however I lost 4.9kg in 4 weeks and felt amazing! I lost centimetres from everywhere! Even my arms!"

I never felt hungry or unsatisfied and the variety is also fantastic! I felt like I never ate the same thing twice. As a busy working Mum of three children half the battle is finding time to prepare meals and it’s so convenient having it all ready to go each day” - Bianca.


Hit105FM’s morning radio host, Abby Coleman, lost 4kgs and dropped her body fat by over 5%, with the Doc's weight loss meals. Abby also maintained her muscle and went from 26 to 19 years in her biological age.

Dropping your body fat, even just by 5%, has been shown to directly reduce the risk of certain conditions such as cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes, Dr Wuth said.

Abby also dropped her visceral fat, fat that surrounds your abdominal organs, by a whole percentage from 3.0 to 2.0. This is one of the most difficult and important areas to drop fat, as too much visceral fat increases the risk of serious health problems.


Before: 88.3kg

After: 70.1kg

Don Scali was a Type 2 diabetic and was about to be placed on diabetes medication. Don's diabetes has since been reversed with the help of the Doc’s medical weight loss meals.


Before: 112.6kg

After: 84.1kg

Mark was pushing close to 113kgs and suffered from sleep apnoea. He had to use a CPAP machine every night to prevent waking up in a panic, gasping for breath. A year on, Mark sleeps soundly without having to rely on machinery thanks to his weight loss transformation with the Doctor’s medical weight loss meals.

“My Doctor would explain the changes that were happening to my body each week, encourage me to keep going, and be blunt with me when I needed it. Having the backing of a Doctor, I couldn't really go wrong.”

- Mark

Disclaimer: results may vary depending on the individual and adherence to the Doctor's recommendation and advice.